We are living in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. Moreover, it is a fast-paced and doing-oriented world. While there are more technological advancements, better living conditions, wider variety of activities in this modern world, these opportunities appear to have brought its costs, especially with regard to our well-being. Even the GDP rates in many countries have doubled over the last few decades but research shows that more money does not seem to be reflected in life satisfaction levels.
Moreover, we are all brought up and shaped by prescribed patterns and the norms of today’s world seem to reinforce the threat of having a distorted understanding of what makes us happy.
An expert in Positive Psychology and a Co-Active Coach, I coach individuals whereby I accompany and facilitate their journey of self-discovery and growth. My coaching is based on positive psychology and co-active principles. Positive psychology focuses on what makes human beings flourish. It provides people with scientific approaches and tools to better understand who they truly are and what makes them thrive. My coaching practice is founded on the belief that we can cultivate a meaningful life through discovering where our inner potential and the needs of the outer world meet.
My passionate intention is to support individuals to not only survive but flourish in today’s world. I coach individuals whereby the coaching relationship creates a space that allows the client to take a deep breathe, check in with themselves and discover what they want to do, how they want to live and lead their lives, thus make self-aware and sustainable choices rather than being driven by the prescribed patterns and/or external circumstances. I respect my clients’ wholeness and resourcefulness. I encourage them to see the possibilities for more fulfilment, balance, and growth in their lives through discovering and unveiling their potential.