Are you ready to look at your life and to the world from a different perspective?
The new science of Positive Psychology shows that we can learn and develop the tools and skills to cultivate a happier, more meaningful and more resilient life. Below are some examples of the trainings and workshops I offer that serve this purpose.
Positive Psychology aims to ‘understand, test, discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive’ (Sheldon et al., 2000).
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
Especially in the last decades there has been an increasing interest in the self-help industry. The challenging circumstances of the modern world seem to push people to search for ways to better deal with these conditions and to become happier. While this increasing demand for the self-help area indicates an undeniable need, there have also been critiques pointing out the empty and unrealistic promises of this area.
The new science of Positive Psychology aims to ‘understand, test, discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive’ (Sheldon et al., 2000). Positive Psychology is mostly referred to as “the scientific study of optimal human functioning” and provides us with scientific perspectives on how to thrive.
Positive Psychology Masterclass is a 2-day program offering thorough understanding of the principles of Positive Psychology that focuses on happiness, well-being, strengths, optimism, resilience and meaning. In this program, you will also learn how to apply these principles in your personal and professional lives.
Content and Structure
- It is offered as a 2-day training. The content and the structure can be customized according to the needs.
Target Audience
- Private groups
- University students
- Companies
- Human Resources
- Team Leaders, Managerial Positions
“To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If we want to go beyond surviving in today’s busy and rapidly changing world, we need to equip ourselves with approaches and tools that will enhance our psychological and physical well-being. Positive Psychology focuses on what makes life worth living and what makes human beings flourish. It posits a new perspective that invites people to look at “what is right” in addition to “what is wrong”.
The aim of this training is to share approaches and tools based on Positive Psychology, which will serve the individuals and companies to look at life through positive and solution-focused lens. It will provide the participants with a scientific ground based on which they can learn how to be more resilient and how to thrive.
Content and Structure
- It is offered as a 1-day training. The content and the structure can be customized according to the needs.
Target Audience
- Private groups
- University students
- Companies
- Human Resources
- Team Leaders, Managerial Positions
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.
Richard M. Devos
Positive Psychology, focusing on what makes us flourish, provides a new lens for looking at individuals and organizations. This new lens calls forth leaders that adopt, model and disseminate an abundance culture in their environment. Positive leadership is about leaders that enhance and reinforce their positive psychological resources including self-awareness, self-reflection, authenticity, optimism and resilience. Studies in leadership and positive psychology area show that leaders who are high in these core positive psychological resources foster higher follower fulfilment and commitment and better performance outcomes (Avolio et al., 2010). Positive leaders create positive followers, which ultimately promote a positive and engaged climate in the workplace.
This training capitalizes on the recent studies in Positive Psychology and Coaching. It equips the participants with approaches, tools and examples that will inspire them to develop their positive leadership skills and create their own positive leadership examples.
Content and Structure
- It is offered as a 2-days training. The content and the structure can be customized according to the needs.
Target Audience
- Companies
- Team Leaders, Managerial Positions, Hi-Pos
“Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.”
During our childhood we make a clear distinction between work (schoolwork, homework) and play and this distinction stays with most of us for the rest of our lives. Growing up with a bias towards work seems to lead some negative connotations of work for most of us. We are prone to consider work as something we are obliged to do but not necessarily as something we enjoy.
Adults spend a considerable amount of their time at work. Thus, our works determine to a large extent what our lives look like. How we see work has a profound effect on our job satisfaction and our well-being at work and in other areas.
This workshop will serve as an opportunity to become aware of your existing perspective on work and will inspire you to see work from a “calling” perspective where you not only earn money and gain status but also cultivate intrinsic motivation to work. You will be provided with tools and approaches based on coaching skills and Positive Psychology that will enable you to explore and find what your calling is.
Additional Information for University Students
Education has a fundamental role in who we become and how we see the world. The existing education system does not really allow and encourage us to become aware of our potential and to achieve our potential. This workshop will serve the university students, who are on the eve of starting their work lives, to make more conscious choices that would lead more fulfilling careers.
Content and Structure
- It can be offered as a half-day workshop. The content and the structure can be customized according to the needs.
Target Audience
- Private groups (Especially people who want to change careers and/or who are in career transitions)
- University students
“Who we are and how we engage with the world are much stronger predictors of how our children will do than what we know about parenting.”
Brené Brown
Positive Psychology, which aims to ‘understand, test, discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive’ (Sheldon et al., 2000), has brought new perspectives to the psychology field in the last few decades. This new approach has important implications for education and parenting.
All parents want the best for their children. They want them to be successful at school, to have good friends, to have goals for their future and to have the tools to achieve those goals. Wanting these things might seem easy and natural; equipping the children with the abilities to meet them is harder. It requires the parents to be conscious and equipped as well.
The aim of this program is to equip parents with approaches and tools based on Positive Psychology that would ultimately contribute to both children’s and parents’ well-being.
Content and Structure
- The content and the structure can be customized according to the needs. It can be offered as a 1-day training, half-day workshop, 2 hours seminar.
Target Audience
- Private groups
- Companies can offer this training/seminar to their employees